John McClain

Logan native John M. McClain is the Director of Choirs at Logan High School, and leads music in worship at Union Furnace United Methodist Church. Teaching grades nine through twelve, he directs six high school choral ensembles, and has developed and implemented curricula for History of Rock and Roll and Music Theory courses. As a graduate of Capital University, he sang in the Capital University Chapel Choir, Philomel (under the direction of Dr. Lynda Hasseler) and Chordsmen (under the direction of Mr. Craig Courtney). He acted as a tenor section leader and soloist in those ensembles. Some of John’s solo ventures include performing the Star Spangled Banner for former President Barack Obama, and singing as a soloist in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. He is so excited and proud of the Chamber Singers for all of their hard work preparing to be a part of the huge honor that comes with being a part of this inaugural choral festival.

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