Mr. John DeFerraro is the Director of Choral Activities at Conner High School in Hebron, KY. Under his direction, choirs consistently earn State Distinguished Ratings with Sweepstakes honors, and have collaborated with internationally recognized artists, such as the African Children’s Choir and Point of Grace. Mr. DeFerraro has performed and conducted music of all varieties (including opera companies, choirs, orchestras, bands, and drum corps) on regional and national stages throughout the United States and Europe. Born in the Midwestern town of Louisville, KY, Mr. DeFerraro has dedicated his life to increasing the quality of choral arts programs within his home state and across the nation. He currently serves as the National Treasurer for the A Cappella Education Association, the Contemporary Choral R&R Chair for ACDA Southern Division, the Director of Education and Ensembles for Camp A Cappella, the 6th District Choral Chair for KMEA, and the Event Co-Producer for the National A Cappella Convention and the Voices in Harmony festival. John earned his Bachelor of Music in Music Education from the University of Kentucky; and a Master of Arts in Education, Choral & Orchestral Conducting emphasis, from Western Kentucky University.