John Byun and Karen Kennedy will add their flare and philosophy to the 2019 National Choir Festival.
In describing his master class about movement for singers, Byun writes, “We are singers too! Opera, musical theatre, country, rock, jazz….all singers in any genre move when they sing. Why do choirs stand still when they sing? Choirs can sing freely and without tension through movement. The voice is connected to the body, we must release tension in our body to be able to sing properly.” John Byun, Riverside City College
“Whether I’m on the podium or part of an audience, I always rejoice in how a devoted group of individual singers can transform into one entity that is even greater than the sum of its parts. When we share each other’s diverse skill sets in a choral ensemble, we can reach musical and emotional heights beyond our offerings as solo performers. That which compels us to sing together speaks to our need for musical and personal connection, and so together we may then explore every element of our human experience through song. Our vulnerability to the power of music ultimately emboldens us to reach out, take in, comfort each other, activate for our causes, and spread joy. As I now wage the battle of my life against cancer, our universal choral family has become a crucial, positive force in my recovery. I continue to draw strength from the inspired performances, compositions, and spirit of community that defines us as choral artists. It is my honor to join Music for All this spring. Until we meet, I carry our songs in my heart.” –Karen Kennedy, University of Miami Frost School of Music